Monday, January 26, 2009

Week of January 26-30

Hello Class!!
Another exciting week of learning is before us!

Special Events: Picture Day is on Wednesday. Looking forward to Valentine's Day, we need you to bring an empty rectangular tissue box for valentine's. So start blowing your nose!!

Reading: We are reading a non-fiction passage about coral reefs focusing on the skill of compare and contrast. We will be using a venn diagram to help us plot information as we read. Remember your reading goal of two books per week: one fiction, one non-fiction and two AR tests.

Writing: Two weeks left before we shine on our Florida Writes!! We have been talking about voice or "personality" when we write. We want our writing to be a reflection of who we are.


Anonymous said...

Hi Ms. Kelley!!!!!! Check out my blog, i got a new picture and i put up a few new posts, please come see it oh and i almost forgot, i put up some games and this frog who climbs up a little part of my screen, please check it out!!!! Also today Tuesday 17 today we ( class) had a sub. and some people say that u were out sick. is that true???? Anyway i hope u get better if u r sick. please write back on my blog ( coment) and don't forget to vote on my poll!!!!

Anonymous said...

Also the picture of the cartoon girl in it and on top of her are stars and the quote "i'm a star" thats my picture. Just to let u know. ( Sophia Dobek)

Anonymous said...

Oh and also Ms.Kelley can you add me as one of your fallowers??? I want you to add me because on mine you are one of my fallowers and i want to be one of yours.

P.S Do u like my new smily picture??????

Anonymous said...