Saturday, January 3, 2009


Happy New Year!!!!!

I have just returned from a two week working vacation on the Ruby Princess cruise ship. I was able to cruise in the Caribbean and visit Ocho Rios, Jamaica, Grand Cayman Island and Cozumel, Mexico.

In Jamaica, I swam with a dolphin named Rosa who had an amazing personality. I touched her back and belly and gave her a big kiss!

In Grand Cayman, I went to a turtle farm and held a four month old turtle...priceless!!

I must say it was hard not having internet for two weeks, I would have loved to blog the whole time but such is sea life.

Blog about your vacation time and if you have any stories from our homeless bags.

Can't wait to see you on Tuesday!

Ms. Kelley

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thats awesome Mrs. Kelley! I bet it was real fun i wish i would have gone! I love the part about the dolphine named Rosa, i can't believe that you got a ride on her and kissed her, that must be fun! Well hope you had a Happy New Year too!