Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Week of December 1-5

This is the first week of three weeks left before Winter Break! This time will be gone before we know it, so let's focus on learning as much as we can!

Before I give you updates about what we are doing in class, I want to tell our chorus students, good luck tomorrow! You have worked hard for tomorrow and you will be shining stars! Don't forget to smile!

Reading: Reading Goal: One book per week. One AR test per week. If you are reading a battle book, you need to check out another book that you can read and test on within a week. For the second week, you can test on your battle book. See me if you have questions!

Writing: Working on Personal Narrative Introductions. On Friday, we will be moving into the body paragraphs of our essays. Remember the five finger introduction!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hay, Ms. Kelley how did you change the color of your blog name?? Can you tell me, please?