Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Last Week of 2008

It's time to say goodbye to another year! Thank you for all your hard work this year and for it you get two weeks off, yeah!!!

A couple of events to conclude our year are as follows:
Homeless Bags- Your children will be making a homeless bag. This is a brown paper bag filled with water, snacks and a message of compassion. I encourage you to keep this bag in your car and when you see a homeless person, give them this bag. We would like to hear all the stories from this act of service. Instead of having a class party and asking for more goodies from you, we wanted to show our students that it is better to give than receive.

On Friday, we will hold our class auction. Some students have been saving their money from their ATM cards to be used at out class auction. We could still use some donations, so if you have anything laying around send it to school.

I wish you the warmest greetings this season. Thank you for giving me the priveledge to teach your child. It's funny and fun to write and say this...See you next year!

Happy Holidays and Merry Christmas,

Ms. Kelley

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Week of December 1-5

This is the first week of three weeks left before Winter Break! This time will be gone before we know it, so let's focus on learning as much as we can!

Before I give you updates about what we are doing in class, I want to tell our chorus students, good luck tomorrow! You have worked hard for tomorrow and you will be shining stars! Don't forget to smile!

Reading: Reading Goal: One book per week. One AR test per week. If you are reading a battle book, you need to check out another book that you can read and test on within a week. For the second week, you can test on your battle book. See me if you have questions!

Writing: Working on Personal Narrative Introductions. On Friday, we will be moving into the body paragraphs of our essays. Remember the five finger introduction!

Friday, November 28, 2008

Times Square and Radio City Hall

Tonight, I went back into New York City from New Jersey. We drove over the Geroge Washington Bridge which has a toll of $8.00 each way. (ouch!) We walked around Times Square. All I can say is over-stimulation! There are huge screens, billboards and sardines of people!

After my incredble walk through Times Square, I went to Avenue of the Americas where Radio City Music Hall is located. We watched the Christmas Spectacular and saw the Rockettes. The show was delightful and enlarged my jolly spirit.

Tomorrow morning, we head home. It will be a long two days of driving but it will be worth it to wear flip-flops, to be HOME, and to see you, my students!

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving!

Happy Thanksgiving!!

I hope everyone is enjoying their time with their family. Remember to tell your family and friends how thankful you are for them. I am thankful for you!

This morning, I went to the Macy's Thanksgiving Parade. What an experience!! There were loads of people who all wanted to see balloons and celebrities. I saw two celebrities: Liam Nielson and Ashanti.

As for tomorrow, I am waking up at 3:30am to go shopping!!!!!

Tuesday, November 25, 2008


Tonight, I went to a broadway play in New York City. The theater that I went to is named after Drew Barrymore's grandmother who established it. Here are some pictures of the city and of me in front of the theater.

Monday, November 24, 2008

New Jersey

Hello Class!

It's Monday night and here I am in New Jersey. The weather is in the cool 20-30 degrees F. I am wearing a scarf, gloves and a jacket. It's fun to be in cold weather every once in awhile! I have just been shopping the last couple of days in New Jersey.

Tomorrow, I am going into New York City to see a broadway play.

I miss you, students and hope you had a great day today!

Ms. Kelley

Monday, November 24

It's Thanksgiving Week!!

I'm out of town this week but there are some assignments you should be aware of:
Homework tonight: Description worksheet
Extra Credit over the holiday: Students were given a worksheet with 5 prompts. They may choose one of the prompts and write an essay about it. This is purely extra credit.

PROGRESS ALERTS are being sent home today!!! Please sign them and return the yellow copy on Tuesday. If you have any questions regarding your students grades, please e-mail Mrs. Morris and I at :

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Simile City

Today in class, we listened to a play called " Simile City". The students were listening for similes throughout the play. One of my favorite simile's has to be " she was as tired as a new mother of triplets." As your children describe something this week, challenge them to make a simile. When they say," that was interesting" have them compare what was interesting to like or as. " That was as interesting as a cat wearing a bow tie"

Great American Teach In

What a day we had yesterday! We had the Great American Teach -In where professionals come to the school and talk about their job. We had an engineer from TECO, military recruit, musician and a cake decorator. The students learned eveything from Conductors and Insulators to how to do a correct push-up to listening to Opera. What an amazing day to see all the opportunities in our world for careers.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Happy Birthday

Thank you all for a wonderful birthday! You are amazing students and I had a great time learning and celebrating with you today!
Love, Ms. Kelley

Sunday, November 16, 2008

November 16th

This week at a glance:

Writing: We begin writing narrative introductions this week. In Narrative introductions, we include a writer's craft: Simile. Practice saying/writing several similes this week!

Reading: We will finish reading the story " My Diary, from here to there" and make inferences using our organizers. We will have a comprehension quiz on Tuesday that will include vocabulary from the story.
Vocabulary words: overheard, opportunities, border, unions, strikes, citizen, and boycotts.

Homework: Reading log: students must read for 15 minutes and retell what they read to an adult or older sibling. Various worksheets this week focusing on similes and Narrative introductions.

Spelling: Digraphs th, sh, wh, and ph.
This weeks words are:
1. rush
4. shed
5. thanks
6. washer
7. photo
8. graph
9. whole
10. these
11. fifth
12. whisk
13. thirty
14. bother
15. shove
18. width
20. whirl
21. cheap
22. arch
23. initially
25. wherever